“A People Transformed by GRACE for the CITY”
Christ Redeemer Church is a gospel shaped community empowered by the grace of God to enjoy Him, to love our neighbors, and to join with the movement of God in our city and around the world.
Gospel Centrality: We believe the gospel is the power of God and that it transforms us from the inside out. This transformation changes all of life, turning ordinary, everyday life into a response of worship to our gracious God.
Formative and Wholehearted Worship: We believe that gathered, corporate worship is essential in forming the life of the follower of Jesus. Our weekly worship involves our whole being and is centered around the preaching of God’s word, prayer, and the sacraments.
Intentional Community: We believe that community is essential to the growth of the follower of Jesus, as well as for the establishment of the church. Community is often elusive so we seek to intentionally develop deep and lasting relationships, we value the diversity of gifts God has
given, and we care for one another through small groups and discipleship relationships.Spiritual Maturity: We believe discipleship happens both informally, as well as through structured times of life-on-life interaction where individuals are established in the basics of the faith and equipped to help others grow. In addition, we value systematic training of leaders both for offices of the church, as well as for the maturity of lay leadership.
Missional Living: We believe mission must be at the heart of the local church. Mission includes both the proclamation of the gospel in word, as well as the demonstration of the gospel in deed. We believe the mission of the church should embody the values of sacrificial love, hospitality, generosity, mercy, and vocational stewardship and should impact people of all races and culture as God’s kingdom continues to expand.
Movement Mentality: We believe the local church must focus its mission in the community where God has placed her. However, we also desire to be a catalyst to see a movement of churches planted throughout our city and to see individuals and ministries multiplied and mobilized for the greatest global impact.